Greetings TU
Family and Friends

The Fayetteville Area Tuskegee Alumni Club (FATAC), chartered August 2019, is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) tax exempt not-for-profit charity.  The Club awards scholarships to Tuskegee University for deserving enrolled students and high school students from Fayetteville and surrounding counties. 

Fayetteville Area Tuskegee Alumni Club Logo

Our Mission


To promote, encourage support for the general goals/objectives of the Tuskegee University National Alumni Association (TNAA).


To encourage participation at all University activities, National Alumni activities, and Fayetteville Area Tuskegee Alumni Club Region activities.


To encourage members of the Alumni Club to identify potential scholastically astute students for enrollment at Tuskegee University.


To provide scholarships and other such financial support as the Alumni Club may feel proper for students enrolled at Tuskegee University.